Recognition for my work

Award Winning Design

Logo of National Society of Professional Surveyors

Best State Society Magazine

Winner of National Society of Professional Surveyors journalism competition.

For nearly 10 years, I've been lucky enough to design and edit The Cornerpost, a magazine put out by the Vermont Society of Land Surveyors. The magazine has (twice!) received Best State Society Magazine honors from the National Society of Professional Surveyors during their annual journalism competition. The competition judges magazines from associations around the nation.

THE CHALLENGE: Before I started designing The Cornerpost, it was a two-color journal with lots of text but very few visuals. The result was a dry, outdated publication that struggled to keep readers' attention.

Before the redesign, The Cornerpost was a text-heavy, two-color journal.

THE SOLUTION: I updated the magazine to a glossy, full-color format with plenty of photos and articles of interest to land surveyors, contributed by a network of talented writers. The result is an award winning publication that members have said they read cover to cover.

"Kelly has undeniably put her stamp on The Cornerpost, making it a superior publication that we in the Vermont surveying community are proud of. Thank you, Kelly."

Terry Harris, L.S.
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